Main Features
- Plain Trolley Range from 0.5t to 10.0t
- Tiger trolley wheels are specially designed with a convex profile eliminating potential point loading
- Geared type available (with hand chain length to suit your requirements)
- Operating temperature of -30°C to +100°C (temperature range of -50°C to +100°C available as an option)
- Geared Trolley Range from 0.5t to 30.0t
- The wheels run on sealed bearings for smoother rolling with less effort and maintenance
- Extended beam width available
- Optional beam locking device
- The anti-drop plates design ensures extra safety, and also prevents damage to the wheels when contacting end rail stoppers
- Twin bar or single bar trolleys available
- Corrosion or Spark Resistant versions available The 5:1 factor of safety allows for use with manual or powered hoists
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