Main Features:
- DNV GL Verification tested according to NORSOK R-002
- Range from 800kg – 20000kg
- Equipped with our unique intelligent Torsion Brake System
- No requirement for preload tension to activate the ratchet mechanism
- Using only the highest quality alloy calibrated load chains according to EN 818-7 and ISO 16872
- Operating temperature of - 40°C to + 50°C
- Meets or exceeds all international standards
- UK Network Rail PADS Certification
- Available with forged clevis adaptor components
- One piece construction pinion gear
- Adaptable to use both inverted and horizontally
- Lightweight and portable
- Also available with stainless steel load chain or spark resistant hooks
- Available with slipping clutch overload protection
- Patented Quad Cam Pawl System
- Light load tested and certified at 2% of the rated capacity
- Each hoist is individually proof tested at 1.5 times the rated capacity
- Individual spares readily available
- Finished in high quality powder coat paint offering excellent corrosion protection
- Available with load bearing swivel hooks to meet relevant standards i.e. AS 1418.2
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